ESG Data Platforms can join the EDCI through inbound or outbound API connections

The EDCI’s mission is to drive convergence around meaningful environmental, social, and governance metrics for the private markets. It generates actionable, performance-based insights based on comparable ESG data from more than 6,200 private companies – with participating firms from all over the world and across all sectors.

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The EDCI’s collaborates with ESG Data Platforms in two ways: (1) an inbound API to streamline GP data submissions to the initiative and (2) an outbound API to enable data platforms to directly visualize EDCI benchmark analysis for their EDCI GP and LP clients.

These offerings allow ESG Data Platforms to streamline EDCI data submissions for their clients and harness the benchmark’s data to unlock insights and increase engagement with EDCI member clients. Platforms are welcome to connect to one or both APIs.

ESG Platforms integrate with the EDCI in two ways:

The ESG Data Convergence Initiative has a number of functions that are specifically tailored for data platforms

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Inbound API to Streamline Data Submissions:
  • Enable your clients to seamlessly contribute data to the EDCI
  • Ensure your clients have high quality data, facilitating their progress through the validation process
Outbound API to visualize EDCI data in your platform:
  • Enable your clients to visualize flexible, customizable ESG benchmarks for the private markets
  • Tailor the EDCI benchmark for your clients portfolio, unlocking new insights
  • Support your clients in interpreting the benchmark (both areas to celebrate and areas to improve)

Data Platform Partners

ESG platforms that have connected to the EDCI’s APIs:


We invite technology platforms that would like to connect to one of the EDCI API to reach out to for requests to connect to the EDCI.

What EDCI members say about the initiative

Hear what members say about the EDCI

What does it mean for Data Platforms to be part of this initiative?

Platforms integrated with the Inbound API agree to:

  • Connect to the EDCI ingress API (with technical assistance from the EDCI)
  • Support your clients with collecting and contributing data in line with the ESG Metrics guidance
  • Be publicly associated with the initiative
  • Encourage your clients to join the initiative

Platforms integrated with the Outbound API agree to:

  • Connect to the EDCI egress API (with technical assistance from the EDCI)
  • Enable your EDCI member clients to visualize the benchmark within your platforms (with access restricted to EDCI members only)
  • Represent EDCI benchmarks in an accurate and complete manner
  • Contribute to the initiative’s financial sustainability
  • Be publicly associated with the initiative
  • Encourage your clients to join the initiative

Learn more

Use our interactive benchmark demo to learn more about how you can include the EDCI platform in your work.

Benchmark Demo

Interested in learning more about how the EDCI can support your organization?

Click “Learn more” for an exploratory conversation and a demo of the EDCI functionality.